Instructions for Using Portal For Filling-Up & Submission of Exam-Form for MBA Term End Examination JUNE 2024 (SEM-I).
Instructions Overview:
Authenticate yourself to the System.
Filling-Up of Exam Form.
Make Online Payment.
Check your Status after Submission of Exam-Form
Instructions in Detail:
Step 1: Authentication: For the Candidates whose DOB is already registered with us .
- Enter Your Enrolment No.
- Enter Your Date Of Birth. (As per Enrolment Certificate)
Step 2: Filling-Up Exam-Form:
- Check Carefully if all details and papers are ok.
- Update latest mobile no if changed.
- If Your Checking is Over, You Click on “Submit”.
Step 3: Confirm the Filled Up Exam-Form:
- Check Carefully Once Again, If everthing is fine.
- If you are not sure or want to Modify the relevant information(s), Click on “Edit”
- If you are Fully Sure, Click on “Confirm”.
Step 4: Make Payment:
- You can take the print of your form submission now or later from Check your Status section on index page.
- You can make on-line Payment through Debit/Credit Card.
Step 5: Check your Status if already submitted online examination form:
- You can take the print-out of your form submitted.
- You can Check Your payment details.
- You can make on-line Payment through Debit/Credit Card.